Booking Policy


You are eligible for a full refund if you cancel at least two weeks before your scheduled workshop date. When an order is placed less than 14 days before the workshop date, please be aware that there is no option for a refund.

We offer the opportunity for a one-time rescheduling to a different date or time, which can be requested at least one week before your initially scheduled workshop date.


For bookings involving more than four people, please note that the reservation is non-refundable. However, rescheduling is an option, provided it is requested at least two weeks prior to your originally scheduled date. 


Regrettably, if you cancel after the refundable date, we won't be able to process a refund for the workshop.
If your booking is within 7 days of the workshop, we kindly suggest exploring the possibility of finding a replacement attendee to take your place.

To cancel your workshop, please contact us with the following method.

Email :
WhatsApp : Cheeky Studio

Our booking policy for workshops is designed to ensure fairness and efficiency for all participants. We understand that circumstances may change, and we strive to accommodate our attendees as best we can. However, to maintain the quality of our workshops and secure the resources required, we have established these guidelines. Your understanding of our policy is greatly appreciated, and it enables us to continue providing valuable experiences to all our participants.

If your refund is approved, it will be processed automatically on your original payment method within 10 business days. Please keep in mind that your bank or credit card company may take some additional time to complete the refund. If more than 15 business days have elapsed since we approved your return, kindly reach out to us for further assistance.

We appreciate your cooperation.